At the next speaking club, let’s talk about the artistry of music, architecture, design, dance, and theater, as well as the fine arts of painting and sculpture. What is the definition of art? Can computers create art or only humans? What role does art play in your life? Can anyone be taught to be an artist or is it an inborn talent? What is the correct balance between preserving traditional Ukrainian art and literature and developing new, modern interpretations of Ukrainian culture? Can graphic novels be great literature? Can video games be great art? Should the government fund artists? Would you like to see more public art in Lviv and, if so, what kinds?
About Glenn:
Originally from Orlando, Florida, Glenn Anderson already calls Ukraine his second home. Working here as a Peace Corps volunteer from 2016 to 2020, he has traveled the country conducting workshops for Ukrainian university professors and teachers. After the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Glenn decided to stay in Ukraine and now works as an English teacher and tutor independently and at the Lviv Polytechnic University.